
Showing posts from September, 2021

9/22/2021; Week 2: Response to "Is the Great American Teacher Dead?"

      A funny thing just happened. I started to write: "When I think about the article 'Is the Great American Teacher Dead?' (Ivers, 2012),  I think about a teacher named Brother Ivers, to whom I was exposed last semester in my TESOL 101 and 102 classes. When we were assigned to watch his videos, I quickly learned that they were going to be entertaining, funny, memorable, and above all, I would remember what he taught." What to my surprise when I went to cite this article with the author's name and date and realized it was he, Brother Ivers, who wrote the very article which I was citing!         Bro. Ivers lives what he preaches. His students are completely engaged at all times, both in the live classroom and, speaking for myself, while watching his recorded videos. He created a list of some of the qualities a good teacher must have, and I remember noticing these attributes while watching his videos. I noticed attention paid to the following: aesthetics, dance, im